Food security and emergency relief


“Food security and emergency relief” has two objectives:

A) Small scale farmers learn to improve their crop quality and harvest. These activities guard against famine and hunger.

B) In months when people fail to get food due to drought or displacement, we partner with the local church to provide food – if possible in exchange for supporting community projects (food for assets program).

How we work

Network East Africa, Food security

When families starve, the mental and physical development of their children suffers. Therefore, we partner with churches in ares of crisis to provide emergency relief during month when people fail to get their own food.

Our partner churches do this in cooperation with national and international partner organizations. In order to avoid dependencies or destroying the motivation for farming, we support people during months when harvest is exhausted or in times of displacement.

Network East Africa, Food security

Network East Africa works according to the “Food for assets” principle. This means that families and individuals receive food when they are willing to work on charity projects (e.g. the development of village schools…).

In this way, we give people dignity and self-esteem, as they contribute towards their own cost of living. By giving support, we try to avoid pushing people into a thought pattern of beggars or victims that affect their mental health.

Network East Africa, Food security

Our main focus, however, is on promoting food security and training sustainable development of agriculture.

This enables small scale farmers to get released from hunger and poverty through knowledge and hard work.


Network East Africa, Food security

In South Sudan, like in the DRC, conflicts have been going on for more than 25 years. During this period of time, a generation grew up who learned to resolve conflicts with arms. During that time of displacement and destruction, agricultural development could not flourish.

Network East Africa, Food security

Network East Africa together with its partners is working hard to provide hope for people to feed themselves with their own hands.

With your donation, you support livelihood to the needy based on the principle “help to help yourself”.

Partner organisations

Diocese of Gogrial
Episcopal Church of South Sudan

North Kivu Diocese
Eglise Anglicane du Congo

Network East Africa, peace, reconciliation
Network East Africa, education
connecting professionals