Promoting Peace

“No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, his culture or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can also be taught to love!”
(Nelson Mandela)

Network East Africa, peace, reconciliation

For about 25 years, South Sudan fought for independence. During this time, a generation grew up who learned to resolve conflicts with arms. In 2011, the country got its independence and the vast majority longed for peace. However, conflicts between clans and tribes do not simply change by signing peace agreements.

A quite similar situation do people face in the east of DRC. Since colonialism the area suffers from looting, displacement and violence. Yet, peace is fundamental to overcome famine, promote education and for any sustainable development.

In order to bring peace to the grassroots, healing of inner wounds, striving for justice in love and safety are needed. Those factors again open a possibility for the process of forgiveness. Network East Africa is committed with friends and local partners …

>> how we strengten peace

Connecting Professionals

“No country can really develop unless its citizens are educated.”
(Nelson Mandela)

Network East Africa, sending professionals

Empowering churches to send professionals

Network East Africa supports professionals and churches to send their own missionaries.

For churches who are interested in sending missionaries, we offer training, give guidance for the mission field and offer a network of contacts.

Missionaries are supported by their own churches, work according to their qualifications and partner with local churches (e.g. as lecturers, priests, health workers) …

>> how we connect professionals

Supporting Education

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
(Nelson Mandela)

Network East Africa, education

(village school started by the church)

In the north west of South Sudan and east of DRC, children and youth from rural areas have few possibilities of formal education and vocational training. Without hope of feeding themselve, they easily join armed groups.

By doing this, they feed on the little resources from local communities and prolong the conflicts. In order to break this circle the Church simply started local schools for youth. There, church workers and volunteers teach basic knowledge about reading, writing and mathematics.

This also opens a possibility to guide the young generation on Christian values of integrity and peace building.

Network East Africa, supporting education

Transformation through education

To strengthen this movement, Network East Africa offers training and scholarships for teachers to increase local schools and set up vocational training centres.  This enables youth to learn how to read and write and provides education to earn a living. Giving youth future prospects and reducing poverty….

>> how we strengthen education

Network East Africa, food security

Food security and emergency relief

Small scale farmers learn to improve their crop quality and harvest. These activities guard against famine and hunger. When people fail to get food due to drought or displacement, we support the Church to …

>> how we support food security