Investing our talents and skills for those in need
provides joy and pleasure.
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Pray with us

get involved, pray

“The greatest thing we can do for each other
is to pray for each other.” (Corrie ten Boom)

We believe, prayer has power to change the world.

It gives strenght to those we pray for and connects us as one body of Christ (Philiper 1:19).

>> prayer resources

Inspire your church

“The Church is the Church only when it exists for others.”
(Dietrich Bonhoefer)

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Inspire your church to focus on world mission

God wants to be glorified among all people in the world. And we wholeheartedly believe, God has choosen the Church to spread the Gospel to all people groups. Therefore, we offer support for your church to fulfill God’s great purpose.

Let us train people together to reach out to those communities who have never heard the Gospel. And let us support peace and education in areas where war and instability tortures people.

>> Resources on mission

Join the Team

Network East Africa supports you to share God’s love and your expertise in counties of crisis. You are welcome to team up with us. Let us learn from each other and build a better world.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
(Martin Luther King)

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Join as missionary

You feel called to work abroad? Do you have a profession which is needed among the people you want to help? Is your church willing to send and support you with prayer and finances?

Network East Africa is willing to support you to get started. We offer cross cultural training, give guidance and counselling in the mission field and offer a network of contacts.

Patricia, missionary,

I am thankful for the partnership and guidance through Network East Africa. As lecturer at St. John’s College and teacher at Light Secondary School in Wau, I have many opportunities to strengthen the faith of students and to offer guidance.

Patricia Ampurire, Ugandan Missionary serving in South Sudan

Ceasar, missionary,

I am working as Academic Dean at St. John’s College in Wau. I thank God and also Network East Africa for all the support and mentoring. As Missionary it is not always easy to work in a conflict area, but I thank God that he is on our side.

Rev. Ceasar Alenya, Ugandan Missionary serving in South Sudan