Network East Africa, What we do


Inspired by our Christian faith, Network East Africa joins with local people to promote peace and to support education in areas of crisis…

» our focus

Network East Africa, who we are


Network East Africa is a branch of Marburg Mission Foundation.
We work as a network mainly with volunteers to strengthen churches in  …

» our identity

Network East Africa


We support Churches in conflict areas of East and Central Africa. Currently we are working in South Sudan, the DRC and Uganda to partner with …

» areas of work

“I appreciate Network East Africa for the partnership with our Diocese. We facilitate together training for our priests in trauma healing, peace and reconciliation work. This promotes healing and forgiveness in our society.”

Bishop Abraham Ngor, Diocese of Gogrial (ECSS)
Bischof Abraham

“While partnering with Network East Africa in South Sudan, I came to know women who have hope even during hardship. They meet regularly to pray for peace and trust God that he uses them to bring reconciliation to their society. I am committed to do my part that this becomes reality.”

Doris Möser-Schmidt (Lecturer in Psychology)
Doris Möser Schmidt

“Our area in the east of DRC suffers from insecurity and violence. Together with Network East Africa, we developed a peace education program for our schools and churches. We are very grateful and convinced to make an important contribution towards peace in the region.”

Bishop Muhindo Isesomo, North Kivu Diocese (DRC)
Bischof Isesomo

“Joining Network East Africa in the DRC, I experienced the value of friendship: strengthening each other, working together as friends, overcoming challenges, and uniting in Christ. This gives confidence.”

Utina Huebner
(Christian counsellor)
Utina Huebner

“The greatest advantage for us is to work as a team. Network East Africa supports us in building St. Mark’s College in Kwajok. With this college we offer youth hope to sustain themselves with their own hands.”

Rev. Jacob Ogwok
(Missionary from Uganda serving in South Sudan)
Rev. Jacob Ogwok

“I am thankful for the partnership and guidance through Network East Africa. As lecturer at St. John’s College and teacher at Light Secondary School in Wau, I have many opportunities to strengthen the faith of students and to offer guidance.”

Patricia Ampurire
(Ugandan Lecturer serving in South Sudan)
Patricia Ampurire

“We are glad to partner with Network East Africa. Together we develop projects to strengthen education and faith in villages deep in the forest. We have a vision to inspire those communities with values for building peace.”

Rev. Kasereka Mulemberi, Priest, North Kivu Diocese
Rev. Kasereka

“I am working as Academic Dean at St. John’s College in Wau. I thank God and also Network East Africa for all the support and mentoring. As Missionary it is not always easy to work in a conflict area, but I thank God that he is on our side.”

Rev. Ceasar Alenya
(Ugandan Lecturer in South Sudan)
Ceasar Alenya

How we work

Network East Africa, professionals

We connect professionals

to promote peace and healing, strengthen education and health in areas of crisis …

» how we connect professionals

Network East Africa, promoting peace and reconciliation

We promote peace

by supporting people in the process of healing, seeking justice in love and unity that children  …

» how we promote peace

Network East Africa, education

We strengthen education

to enable young people, generating their own living and thereby reduce poverty …

» how we strengthen education

Make a difference
through your support

Share your bread and it tastes better –  Investing our talents and skills for those in need provides joy and pleasure.

Opportunities to join

Network East Africa, prayer

Pray with us

Network East Africa believes in the power of prayer to bring healing and justice, to unite and  …

» stay connected

Network East Africa, volunteer, missionary

Join the team

we support you in your calling to share God’s love in counties of crisis, promoting peace and …

» build a better world

Network East Africa, engage church

Inspire your church

to focus on world mission. God wants to be glorified among all people groups because his love …

» ignite God’s passion

Our partners